DJ name: Mick
Bio: Mick O'Connor grew up in Morden, South London, at the end of the Northern Line. A musical adolescence ensued, complemented by the backdrop of the late seventies and early eighties musical and political turmoil. His ears were stewed in glam rock and punk followed by post-punk and electronic music. He was one of those kids who listened to John Peel on the radio into the wee hours under the sheets. In his father's garage, he had a slew of analog synthethizers that he and his band would attempt to make music on. He has worked in the technical and business end of TV, film and audio in NYC. He now outputs the odd musical project and lives and works in Brooklyn.
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Last seen on: Dec. 16, 2014 @ 3:20 pm

Listed below are the known shows for this DJ:

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Plays logged without shows

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11-03-2014 ~07:00 PM