Playlist info for: 'Earl Karlsen' on wfdu

Playlist for Earl Karlsen @ wfdu at

DJ name: Earl Karlsen
Bio: From Spangereid, Norway to hosting a bluegrass show on WFDU FM, Teaneck, N.J. – what a long, strange trip it’s been! Earl Karlsen has been involved in the bluegrass music scene of New Jersey for 30 years, playing guitar and mandolin. He has also performed with many musicians and bands from the New Jersey area and loves to sing bluegrass tunes. Saturday morning find him broadcasting from the Fairleigh Dickinson University campus, hosting the Bluegrass Express on WFDU, 89.1 FM.
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Last seen on: Sep. 14, 2016 @ 3:45 pm

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Listed below are the known shows for this DJ:

Show name Last seen Playlists
No known shows for this DJ.

Plays logged without shows

Any of this DJ's plays logged without a show designation are listed below, by date, newest plays first.

03-21-2015 ~08:00 AM
03-21-2015 ~07:00 AM
03-21-2015 ~06:00 AM
03-21-2015 ~05:00 AM
This playlist is for a show at WFDU, (WFDU). If you wish to contact this station - or this DJ - see: